I was watching The Princess Diaries and realized that they are making making an interesting claim within the plot about women and their societal expectations. Mia is a regular awkward high school student who finds out she is princess of a foreign country called Genovia. After much convincing, she accepts her role as heir. When she accepts she then must undergo an extensive makeover and training to act like a "proper" lady. A team of professionals completely change her physical appearance and make her princess material. This conveys the claim to the audience that the only way to be a true princess is to look and act a certain way. This can be harmful to little girls and their self esteem if they feel that they do not look extremely pretty, and will think that they have to change themselves in order to be important. I love this movie to death- it is hilarious- but it was interesting to me to see the claims being made about appearance.
Thursday, October 22, 2015
From Ugly to Royalty
I was watching The Princess Diaries and realized that they are making making an interesting claim within the plot about women and their societal expectations. Mia is a regular awkward high school student who finds out she is princess of a foreign country called Genovia. After much convincing, she accepts her role as heir. When she accepts she then must undergo an extensive makeover and training to act like a "proper" lady. A team of professionals completely change her physical appearance and make her princess material. This conveys the claim to the audience that the only way to be a true princess is to look and act a certain way. This can be harmful to little girls and their self esteem if they feel that they do not look extremely pretty, and will think that they have to change themselves in order to be important. I love this movie to death- it is hilarious- but it was interesting to me to see the claims being made about appearance.
Democratic Debate
How Smart are Smart Cars?

On Wednesday October 21st I attended an event on campus called Energy Innovations: Solutions for meeting 21st Century Energy Needs that was hosted by a number of organizations including the MSC Student Conference on National Affairs. I have little knowledge of this topic, but as a committee member I was required to attend. Knowing that this event was a panel, I went in with the intention of locating arguments that certain panelists were making. One speaker, a man named Robert Stewart made an argument that contrary to popular belief, electronic cars are not necessarily more environmentally friendly. He claimed that although they use electricity instead of fuel, energy is still being used just through battery power. He used his position as owner and founder of Lime Investments, LLC and his background in the energy field to establish ethos with the audience. He also utilized a power point presentation that contained statistics and facts regarding the amount of energy electric cars use to establish logos in his argument. Because of his credibility and the evidence he used in his argument, I went from thinking that electric cars were so much better for the environment to realizing that although they are not using regular fuel, energy is still being consumed regardless.
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Because.. What else are wives for?
Friday, October 9, 2015
"Too Young?"
While browsing my favorite news website (Drudge Report), I came across this article regarding recent concerns for the ages of models. An Israeli girl named Sofia is working as a model in one of the most prestigious fashion shows in Paris at only 14 years old. This article describes the concerns of the community regarding her young age and whether or not she should be able to model. The opposition makes the strong argument that a 14 year old should not be involved in such a cutthroat industry, and that other countries have restrictions preventing young girls from walking the runway. They also argue that someone so young should not have to experience the pressure of being a model and travelling the world on their own. Sofia offers a strong rebuttal saying that while some look down on the modeling industry, she is treated well and that this life of modeling is her own decision. Sofia's argument may be the strongest because she draws on her personal experience, there is no law prohibiting her from this occupation, and that if she does not feel uncomfortable walking the runway, why should other people?
Music With A Message
Blog Post 5
Smoking is a very interesting issue for me. Despite all of the convincing evidence that smoking is harmful to your health, it is still one of the most common trends across the globe. It is particularly interesting to analyze how those involved in the anti-smoking movement choose to persuade their audience. Usually, we see advertisements and campaigns focused on the argument portrayed in the top image. This image conveys the argument that when you choose to light that cigarette you are making a conscious decision to shorten your life by morphing the smoke into the shape of a firearm. The second photo uses an argument targeted more towards women when they show a beautiful model smoking. Her reflection shows a completely different image that represents the effects smoking can have on your outward appearance instead of focusing more on how it damages you on the inside. The last anti-smoking public service advertisement above is the short video clip. This ad uses a different angle and argues that tobacco users are being played for a fool by the big tobacco companies when they use their products. The video shows a tobacco company owner swimming in a pool of cash.
These three very different ads make the claims that tobacco harms the user, has an effect on the users outward appearance, and that smoking is not a financially sound investment. The arguments in these ads are not only directed at the smoking population themselves, but can also be directed towards those who have the potential to become smokers. They are created to instill a negative mental image so that when that person picks up a cigarette for the first time, they will think of the scary model, or the idea that they are basically shooting themselves because smoking can end their life.
I believe that the first image might go too far. Although smoking is extremely bad for your health, the image comparing the habit to pointing a firearm at your head is a little extreme. There have been multiple examples of people who have smoked their entire life and it does not result in their death.
However, I think that the other images are fine. Smoking does have an effect on your appearance and it is important for people to know that. Smoking also is an extremely expensive habit.
I think there are multiple reasons that millions of people continue to smoke despite all of the advertisements and campaigns against it. Although smoking has been proven to cause cancer and other health problems, it is not necessarily guaranteed. Many people continue to smoke without any major consequences, and I think that some believe that the habit is worth the risk. Another reason may be due to the bad reputation of the media and advertising industry. Many people feel that most advertisements lack ethos and are exaggerated and false, so these harsh ads cause people to be more skeptical and ignore the arguments that are being made.
After researching the topic, I found that most people quit their smoking habit due to the social pressure and the expense of tobacco products. In order to effectively discourage the use of tobacco, ads should focus more on these aspects of the habit. Ads should pinpoint the idea that smoking is considered smelly and gross to others and emphasize the realistic cost of the habit. In order to maximize effectiveness, advertisers should include more logos in their advertisements. If billboards and images include hard numbers on what the average smoker spends yearly on tobacco products, they may be more effective. If advertisements also appeal more to the idea that other people are not fond of smokers, the social pressure may have more of an impact.
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Blog Post 4 Red Paper Clip
Thursday, October 1, 2015
Men vs Women
I was watching The Simpsons the other day and noticed a claim that they made regarding roles in the family and men vs women. In society, most view the father figure as the one who leads the family and provides support. In this show that perception is completely backwards. In The Simpsons, Homer Simpson is an idiotic character who is sloppy and selfish. The wife and daughter act as the glue that holds the family together, while the husband and son are a complete mess. This show makes the underlying claim that men are less intelligent than women and are incapable of responsibility in most cases. The more I thought about it the more I realized how common this is in most tv shows and movies. I don't really agree with the argument made in this show, but I'm definitely going to keep watching it because it is hilarious.
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